tuk kengkawan yang ingin tau aper
rahsia kulitku jd begitu mulus dan halus..
so here it is..some basic techniques on how to
do simplicated on our beaut.face...hehe...(*_^)
1st step yang harus n wajib dibuat ialah..
as usual=clean up ur face with deep cleanser(kalu cleanser biasa mayb dop degih muka i..;p).ader promoter dkt counter boDy Shop tu ckp its better if u use make up remover(which is i tgk same jer dgn botol toner..hehe..no need lar).so, i tanpa ragu2 juz wash my face througout the water n buihkan gel cleanser.
so, ni bnda PALiNG PEnTINg nok oyap iaitu i prefer 2 use biO esSence Tanaka White which is so2 effecting..sampaikan kdg2 i no need 2 use scrub..becoz 'white head'(btul @ x spellin'.hehe..) mudah jer timbul..n bl rasa dh byk sgt 'white head' tu..ape lagi, i terus jer amik warm towel..tekan2 n cungkil die kuar dkt area zon T..hehe..i punyer dkt atas idung paling banyak................tebal sero idung2;)
huh!lega bl dpt keluarkan dat white head..i blh pangil diz is not lar stubborn sgt..berbanding bl i guna cleanser be4 which is agak faymes..brand body Shop tulas..hhii~~..lagi i guna, lagi ber+ kusam my face...huhu~~xsuka sgt2!!!moyok muka i tika tu.hehe..dop cekak gk g wak facial..kelik2 dumoh, stilL kusam g..seb baek ado g stock cleanser biO esSencE taNaka WhiTe.blh guna mula..;)
n here the sample of my 'mujarab' cleanser...;)